Just wanted to take a wee moment to reflect - so much so I've Actually just donned a tweed jacket and stood enigmatically with a pipe by a large window looking wistfully onto a foggy lake .
Anyway , just wanted to take 5 minutes out from battering you all with the words 'Ruin your Youth' and 'New Single' - just to say a heartfelt 'Thanks' :-)
Its been a lovely, surprising and exciting few days - and quite touching to see just how fucking positive and nice people have been about our first release in two decades.
Coming back is a bit like organising a huge party , then worrying about who will turn up ? ...
What if we don't have enough bog roll? ....
what about snacks ? ... are there any Vegans?
Shit , what are we going to do about the neighbours?
and I bet some arsehole is sick on the hall carpet again...
In fact -
fuck all this -
Get out of my house before I let the leopards out.
So you see - it's a rollercoaster of emotion .
But we're on it together now - so now we've found each other we're really looking forward to squashing up , eating all your popcorn .
And then vomiting as we go upside down .
Life is beautiful.
As are you.
Don't ever forget it.
Thanks Bae xx *
*buy a T-shirt